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CiteGraph is friendly for apps written in TypeScript, with type safety out of the box.

Basic Usage

By default, CiteGraph will also infer the argument types of fetcher from key, so you can have the preferred types automatically.


// `key` is inferred to be `string`
useCiteGraph('/api/user', key => {})
useCiteGraph(() => '/api/user', key => {})
// `key` will be inferred as { a: string; b: { c: string; d: number } }
useCiteGraph({ a: '1', b: { c: '3', d: 2 } }, key => {})
useCiteGraph(() => ({ a: '1', b: { c: '3', d: 2 } }), key => {})
// `arg0` will be inferred as string.  `arg1` will be inferred as number
useCiteGraph(['user', 8], ([arg0, arg1]) => {})
useCiteGraph(() => ['user', 8], ([arg0, arg1]) => {})

You can also explicitly specify the types for key and fetcher's arguments.

import useCiteGraph, { Fetcher } from 'citegraph'
const uid = '<user_id>'
const fetcher: Fetcher<User, string> = (id) => getUserById(id)
const { data } = useCiteGraph(uid, fetcher)
// `data` will be `User | undefined`.

By default, the error thrown inside the fetcher function has type any. The type can also explicitly specified.

const { data, error } = useCiteGraph<User, Error>(uid, fetcher);
// `data` will be `User | undefined`.
// `error` will be `Error | undefined`.


Same for citegraph/infinite, you can either rely on the automatic type inference or explicitly specify the types by yourself.

import { CiteGraphInfiniteKeyLoader } from 'citegraph/infinite'
const getKey: CiteGraphInfiniteKeyLoader = (index, previousPageData) => {
  // ...
const { data } = useCiteGraphInfinite(getKey, fetcher)


  • Inline subscribe function and mamually specify the type of next using CiteGraphSubscriptionOptions.
import useCiteGraphSubscription from 'citegraph/subscription'
import type { CiteGraphSubscriptionOptions } from 'citegraph/subscription'
const { data, error } = useCiteGraphSubscription('key', 
  (key, { next }: CiteGraphSubscriptionOptions<number, Error>) => {
  //^ key will be inferred as `string`
  return {
    //^ data will be inferred as `number | undefined`
    //^ error will be inferred as `Error | undefined`
  • declare subscribe function using CiteGraphSubscription
import useCiteGraphSubscription from 'citegraph/subscription'
import type { CiteGraphSubscription } from 'citegraph/subscription'
 * The first generic is Key
 * The second generic is Data
 * The Third generic is Error
const sub: CiteGraphSubscription<string, number, Error> = (key, { next }) => {                         
const { data, error } = useCiteGraphSubscription('key', sub)


Specifying the type of data is easy. By default, it will use the return type of fetcher (with undefined for the non-ready state) as the data type, but you can also pass it as a parameter:

// 🔹 A. Use a typed fetcher:
// `getUser` is `(endpoint: string) => User`.
const { data } = useCiteGraph('/api/user', getUser)
// 🔹 B. Specify the data type:
// `fetcher` is generally returning `any`.
const { data } = useCiteGraph<User>('/api/user', fetcher)

If you want to add types for other options of CiteGraph, you can also import those types directly:

import useCiteGraph from 'citegraph'
import type { CiteGraphConfiguration } from 'citegraph'
const config: CiteGraphConfiguration = {
  fallbackData: "fallback",
  revalidateOnMount: false
  // ...
const { data } = useCiteGraph<string[]>('/api/data', fetcher, config)

Middleware Types

There're some extra type definitions you can import to help adding types to your custom middleware.

import useCiteGraph, { Middleware, CiteGraphHook } from 'citegraph'
const citegraphMiddleware: Middleware = (useCiteGraphNext: CiteGraphHook) => (key, fetcher, config) => {
  // ...
  return useCiteGraphNext(key, fetcher, config)